Riddick 4: Furya (2025) marks Vin Diesel’s return to the iconic role of Richard B. Riddick. Directed by David Twohy, the film dives deep into Riddick’s mysterious origins as he ventures back to his home planet, Furya. Abandoned in his youth and with little memory of the land, Riddick returns only to find his fellow Furyans embroiled in a brutal struggle for survival against a formidable new adversary. This battle becomes personal as he uncovers deeper connections to his people and realizes that his destiny and Furya’s fate are intertwined in unforeseen ways.
The project brings Diesel and Twohy together for their fourth collaboration in the franchise, beginning with Pitch Black in 2000. Building on the mythology of Furyans introduced in previous films, Riddick: Furya promises to expand the lore, exploring Riddick’s roots and the unique abilities of his race. The storyline is crafted to satisfy the loyal fanbase, which has long anticipated this sequel since its announcement back in the mid-2010s. Diesel is also a producer through his company One Race Films, emphasizing his investment in both the character and the franchise’s universe.
Riddick 4: Furya has an estimated production budget of approximately €2 million from Germany’s FFF Bayern, with additional financing expected from international markets. The film’s budget allows for the integration of high-quality CGI and complex action sequences to bring the hostile environment of Furya and its unique inhabitants to life. The movie also promises a raw, gritty aesthetic, staying true to the franchise’s reputation for thrilling, visually immersive sci-fi action sequences.
Set to release in 2025, Riddick: Furya is eagerly awaited as an intense return to Riddick’s world and a new chapter that delves into the protagonist’s lineage, offering fans a long-awaited exploration of the origins of the last surviving Furyan.