Azrael (2024), directed by E.L. Katz, is a unique, action-packed horror film that takes place in a bleak, post-apocalyptic setting. The story follows Azrael, portrayed by Samara Weaving, who finds herself hunted by a fanatical cult in a world where speech is forbidden, and a muted existence reigns. This eerie society believes silence is sacred, and Azrael’s defiance becomes the catalyst for a tense and violent struggle as she attempts to escape her captors. Alongside cult leader Miriam, played by Vic Carmen Sonne, the narrative explores themes of survival, religious extremism, and silent terror in an oppressive, speechless environment.
The film’s atmosphere draws heavily on horror classics like A Quiet Place, focusing on silent terror and sparse dialogue, with cinematography emphasizing shadowy forests and foreboding church structures. Demonic entities, known as the “Burned Ones,” haunt the woods, resembling charred, corpse-like figures that add a monstrous twist to Azrael’s already dangerous predicament. As the movie progresses, the protagonist faces various threats, ranging from human captors to mysterious supernatural elements lurking in the dark.
Filmed primarily in Estonia, Azrael‘s production budget remains undisclosed, but the shoot utilized local talent for cost-efficiency and authenticity, with an impressive artificial moon constructed for lighting. The film premiered at the 2024 South by Southwest Film Festival and gained distribution through IFC Films and Shudder, later releasing theatrically in September.
Though Azrael received mixed reviews, with praise for Weaving’s performance and the intriguing, almost dialogue-free concept, some critics found the horror elements lacking depth or consistency. The silent narrative approach and religious overtones make it a memorable yet polarizing entry in the horror genre, with audiences and critics divided on its chilling effectiveness.