In The Mummy: Resurrection (2025), Warner Bros. revives the popular supernatural adventure with a new dark twist and a fresh lineup of stars. This sequel introduces Keanu Reeves as Everett Randolph, a treasure hunter whose fascination with ancient Egyptian artifacts becomes deadly when he unearths a cursed sarcophagus. Inside lies an ancient queen whose resurrection threatens the world, awakening unimaginable forces. The story follows Everett’s descent into terror as he and his allies face nightmarish creatures and an ancient prophecy that links them to the Egyptian underworld.
Directed by a new creative team, The Mummy: Resurrection combines horror elements with high-stakes action, similar to the original franchise but with modern storytelling and technology. The trailer highlights intense chases, dark magic, and richly detailed sets that bring the ancient world to life. Joining Reeves in this thrilling installment are Timothée Chalamet and Ana de Armas, who play allies with their own motives and secrets, complicating Everett’s journey. With Weta Digital handling visual effects, the resurrected queen and her deadly powers are brought to life with a realism that enhances the horror and action sequences.
The film reportedly has a substantial budget, estimated between $150 million and $200 million, aimed at delivering immersive CGI, elaborate set designs, and high-quality visuals to meet fans’ expectations for the epic scale of The Mummy franchise. The Mummy: Resurrection is set to premiere in 2025, promising fans an intense, cinematic experience that blends supernatural horror with pulse-pounding adventure.