The upcoming Hellboy: The Crooked Man (2025) aims to reboot the Hellboy series with a fresh and darker take on the character, this time portrayed by Jack Kesy. Directed by Brian Taylor, the film is based on one of creator Mike Mignola’s favorite stories from the Hellboy comics, focusing on folk horror elements and a 1950s setting that captures the haunting, eerie atmosphere of rural Appalachia. This iteration emphasizes practical effects and classic horror vibes, staying true to the comic’s spirit and grounding it in a more isolated, backwoods horror tone that contrasts with the previous adaptations’ more action-centric approach.
The plot sees Hellboy as a younger, wandering demon investigator who faces a coven of witches and the disturbing supernatural being known as “The Crooked Man.” With characters like Bobbie Jo Song and Reverend Watts joining him, Hellboy must tackle both occult forces and the unsettling mysteries that plague the Appalachian town. Taylor’s intention to lean into folk horror allows the film to offer something uniquely atmospheric and horror-driven, deviating from previous films’ CGI-laden battles.
The movie’s budget remains modest, reportedly falling short of typical blockbuster expectations, allowing for creative practical effects to build the gritty and earthy atmosphere. With a focus on horror-driven cinematography and a deliberate departure from big-budget superhero conventions, Hellboy: The Crooked Man is a bold step in a new direction for the franchise. The R-rating promises a raw, intense portrayal of the character, aimed at resonating with both dedicated comic fans and new audiences who appreciate horror.
This fresh take on Hellboy has generated mixed anticipation, especially since earlier adaptations had fluctuating success, but there’s hope that Taylor’s vision will revive the character by staying true to Mignola’s original dark, atmospheric vision.